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etcd structure

kcp has made some changes to etcd storage paths to support logical clusters and APIExport identities. Please see below for details.

Built-in APIs

Built-in APIs, such as namespaces, configmaps, clusterroles, etc., use the following storage path structure:

/etcd prefix/API group name/API resource name/logical cluster name/[namespace, if applicable]/name

Let's break down the segments in the etcd path for this example ConfigMap instance:

Segment name Description
registry etcd prefix
core API group name
configmaps API resource name
root logical cluster name
default namespace
kube-root-ca.crt ConfigMap name

Standard custom resource instances

Custom resource instances for a CustomResourceDefinition in a workspace use the following storage path structure:

/etcd prefix/API group name/API resource name/"customresources"/logical cluster name/[namespace, if applicable]/name

Let's break down the segments in the etcd path for this example APIBinding instance:

Segment name Description
registry etcd prefix API group name
apibindings API resource name
customresources hard-coded (as opposed to an APIExport identity hash)
2cynbfy2m0wtjqcs logical cluster name APIBinding name

"Bound" custom resource instances

Custom resource instances for an API provided by an APIExport, bound by an APIBinding, use the following storage path structure:

/etcd prefix/API group name/API resource name/APIExport identity hash/logical cluster name/[namespace, if applicable]

Let's break down the segments in the etcd path for this example Workspace instance:

Segment name Description
registry etcd prefix API group name
workspaces API resource name
cbf732f90c9b7eac67e3d8f8e4c22cf8de0e36acefab6bbab738a85535c0d4cf APIExport identity hash
root logical cluster name
compute Workspace name