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Every kcp shard is hosting a set of logical clusters. A logical cluster is identified by a globally unique identifier called a cluster name. A shard serves the logical clusters under /clusters/<cluster-name>.

A set of known shards comprises a kcp installation.

Root Logical Cluster

Every kcp installation has one logical cluster called root. The root logical cluster holds administrational objects. Among them are shard objects.

Shard Objects

The set of shards in a kcp installation is defined by Shard objects in

A shard object specifies the network addresses, one for external access (usually some worldwide load balancer) and one for direct access (shard to shard).

Logical Clusters and Workspace Paths

Logical clusters are defined through the existence of a LogicalCluster object "in themselves", similar to a . directory defining the existence of a directory in Unix.

Every logical cluster name name is a logical cluster path. Every logical cluster is reachable through /cluster/<path> for every of their paths.

A Workspace in of name name references a logical cluster specified in Workspace.spec.cluster. If that workspace object resided in a logical cluster reachable via a path path, the referenced logical cluster can be reached via a path path:name.

Canonical Paths

The longest path a logical cluster is reachable under is called the canonical path. By default, all canonical paths start with root, i.e. they start in root logical cluster.

The logical cluster object annotated with <canonical-path>.

Additional subtrees of the workspace path hierarchy can be defined by creating logical clusters with annotation not starting in root. E.g. a home workspace hierarchy could start at home:<user-name>. There is no need for the parent (home in this case) to exist.

Front Proxy

A front-proxy is aware of all logical clusters, their shard they live on, their canonical paths and all Workspacess. Non canoical paths can be reconstructed from the canonical path prefixes and the worksapce names.

Requests to /cluster/<path> are forwarded to the shard via inverse proxying.

A front-proxy in its most simplistic (toy) implementation watches all shards. Clearly, that's neither feasible for scale nor good for availability. A front- proxy could alternative be backed by any kind of external database with the right scalability and availability properties.

There can be one front-proxy in front of a kcp installation, or many, e.g. one or multiple per region or cloud provider.

Consistency Domain

Every logical cluster provides a Kubernetes-compatible API root endpoint under /cluster/<path> including its own discovery endpoint and their own set of API groups and resources.

Resources under such an endpoints satisfy the same consistency properties as with a full Kubernetes cluster, e.g. the semantics of the resource versions of one resource matches that of Kubernetes.

Across logical clusters the resource versions must be considered as unrelated, i.e. resource versions cannot be compared.

Wildcard Requests

The only exception to the upper rule are objects under a "wildcard endpoint" /clusters/*/apis/<group>/<v>/[namespaces/<ns>]/resource:<identity-hash> per shard. It serves the objects of the given resource on that shard across logical-clusters. The annotation tells the consumer which logical cluster each object belongs to.

The wildcard endpoint is privileged (requires system:masters group membership). It is only accessible when talking directly to a shard, not through a front-proxy.

Note: for unprivileged access, virtual view apiservers can offer a highly secured and filtered view, usually also per shard, e.g. for owners of APIs.

Cross Logical Cluster References

Some objects reference other logical clusters or objects in other logical clusters. These references can be by logical cluster name, by arbitrary logical cluster path or by canonical path.

Referenced logical clusters must be assumed to live on other shard, maybe even on shard of different regions or cloud providers.

For scalability reasons, it is usually not adequate to drive controllers by informers that span all shard.

In other words, logical involving cross-logical-cluster referenced have a cost higher than in-logical-cluster references and logic must be carefully planned:

For example, during workspace creation and scheduling the scheduler running on the shard hosting the Workspace object will access another shard to create the LogicalCluster object initially. It does that by choosing a random logical cluster name (optimistically) and choosing a shard that name maps to (through consistent hashing). It then tries to create the LogicalCluster. On conflict, it can check whether the existing object belong the given Workspace object or not. If not, another name and shard is chosen, until scheduling succeeds. During initialization the controller on the Workspace hosting shard will keep watching the logical cluster on the other shard, with some exponential backoff. In other words, the Workspace hosting shard does not continuously watch the object on the other shard.

Another example is API binding, but it is different than workspace scheduling: a binding controller running on the shard hosting the APIBinding object will be aware of all APIExports in the kcp installation through caching replication (see next section). What is special is that this controller has all the information necessary to bind a new API and to keep bound APIs working even if the shard of the APIExport is unavailable.

Note: usually it a bad idea to create logic dependent on the parent workspace. If such logic is desired, for availability and scalability reasons some kind of replication is required. E.g. a child workspace must stay operation even if the parent is not accessible.

Cache Server Replication

The cache server is a special API server that can hold replicas of objects that must be available globally in an eventual consistent way. E.g. the APIExports and APIResourceSchemas are replicated that way and made available to the corresponding controllers via informers.

The cache server holds objects by logical clusters, and it can hold objects from many or all shards in a kcp installation, served through wildcard informers. The resource versions of those objects have no meaning beyond driving the cache informers running in the shards.

Cache servers can be 1:1 with shards, or there can be shared cache servers, e.g. by region.

Cache servers can form a cache hierarchy.

Controllers that make use of cached objects, will usually have informers against local objects and against the same objects in the cache server. If the former returns a "NotFound" error, the controllers will look up in the cache informers.

The cache server technique is only useful for APIs whose object cardinality across all shards does not go beyond the cardinality sensibly storable in a kube-based apiserver.

Note that objects like Workspaces and LogicalClusters fall not into that category. This means that in particular the logical cluster canonical path cannot be derived from cached LogicalClusters. Instead, the cached objects must hold their own annotation in order to be indexable by that value. This is crucial to implement cross-logical-cluster references by canonical path.

Note: the APIExport example assumes that there are never more than e.g. 10,000 API exports in a kcp installation. If that is not an acceptable constraint, other partitioning mechanism would be need to hold the number of APIExport objects per cache server below the critical number. E.g. there could be cache servers per big tenant, and that would hold only public exports and tenant-internal exports. A more complex caching hierarchy would make sure the right objects are replicated, while the "really public" exports would only be a small number.


Each shard pushes a restricted set of objects to the cache server. As the cache server replication is costly, this set is as minimal as possible. For example, certain RBAC objects are replicated in case they are needed to successfully authorize bindings of an API, or to use a workspace type.

By the nature of replication, objects in the cache server can be old and incomplete. For instance, the non-existence of an object in the cache server does not mean it does not exist in its respective shard. The replication could be just delayed or the object was not identified to be worth to replicate.


A new shard starting up will run a number of standard controllers (e.g. for workspaces, API bindings and more). These will need a number of standard informers both watching objects locally on that shard through wildcard informers and watching the corresponding cache server.

Wildcard informers require the APIExport identity. This identity varies by installation as it is cryptographically created during creation of the APIExport.

The core and tenancy APIs have their APIExport in the root logical cluster. A new shard will connect to that root logical cluster in order to extract the identies for these APIs. It will cache these for later use in case of a network partition or unavailability of the root shard. After retrieving these identities the informers can be started.