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APIs in kcp


kcp supports several built-in Kubernetes APIs, provides extensibility using CustomResourceDefinitions, and adds a new way to export custom APIs for sharing with other workspaces.

Built-in APIs

kcp includes some, but not all, of the APIs you are likely familiar with from Kubernetes:

(core) v1

  • Namespaces
  • ConfigMaps
  • Secrets
  • Events
  • LimitRanges
  • ResourceQuotas
  • ServiceAccounts

  • MutatingWebhookConfigurations
  • ValidatingWebhookConfigurations

  • CustomResourceDefinitions

  • TokenReviews

  • LocalSubjectAccessReviews
  • SelfSubjectAccessReviews
  • SelfSubjectRulesReviews
  • SubjectAccessReviews

  • CertificateSigningRequests

  • Leases

  • Events (temporarily removed)

  • FlowSchemas
  • PriorityLevelConfigurations

  • ClusterRoleBindings
  • ClusterRoles
  • RoleBindings
  • Roles

Notably, workload-related APIs (Pods, ReplicaSets, Deployments, Jobs, CronJobs, StatefulSets), cluster-related APIs ( Nodes), storage-related APIs (PersistentVolumes, PersistentVolumeClaims) are all missing - kcp does not include these, and it instead relies on workload clusters to provide this functionality.


kcp, like Kubernetes, allows developers to add new APIs using CustomResourceDefinitions (CRDs). Unlike Kubernetes, kcp allows multiple copies of a CRD (e.g. to be installed in multiple workspaces at the same time. Each copy is entirely independent and isolated from all other copies. This means the API versions and schemas can be entirely different. kcp makes this possible because each workspace is its own isolated "cluster."

There are currently some limitations to be aware of with CRDs in kcp:

  • Conversion webhooks are not supported
  • service-based validating/mutating webhooks are not supported; you must use url-based clientConfigs instead.

CRDs are a fantastic way to add new APIs to a workspace, but if you want to share a CRD with other workspaces, you have to install it in each workspace separately. You also need a controller that can reconcile CRs in all the workspaces where your CRD is installed, which typically means 1 distinct controller per workspace. CRDs are not "cheap" in the API server (each one consumes memory), and kcp offers an improved workflow that significantly reduces overhead.

Exporting APIs

If you're looking to provide APIs that can be consumed by multiple workspaces, this section is for you!

kcp adds new APIs that enable this new model of publishing and consuming APIs. The following diagram shows a workspace that an API provider would use to export their widgets API. The provider uses kcp's new APIResourceSchema type to define the schema for widgets, and the new APIExport type to export widgets to other workspaces.

2 separate consumer workspaces use kcp's new APIBinding type to add the widgets API to their workspaces. They can then proceed to CRUD widgets in their workspaces, just like any other API type (e.g. namespaces, configmaps, etc.).

                                     │  Consumer Workspace   │
                                     │                       │
                                ┌────┼─ Widgets APIBinding   |
                                │    │                       │
                                │    │  Widget A             │
┌───────────────────────────┐   │    │  Widget B             │
│  API Provider Workspace   │   │    │  Widget C             │
├───────────────────────────┤   │    └───────────────────────┘
│                           │   │
│     Widgets APIExport ◄───┼───┤
│             │             │   │
│             ▼             │   │
│ Widgets APIResourceSchema │   │    ┌───────────────────────┐
└───────────────────────────┘   │    │  Consumer Workspace   │
                                │    ├───────────────────────┤
                                │    │                       │
                                └────┼─ Widgets APIBinding   │
                                     │                       │
                                     │  Widget A             │
                                     │  Widget B             │
                                     │  Widget C             │

Diagram: 1 APIExport consumed by 2 different workspaces (source)

Above we talked about needing 1 controller instance per workspace, as workspace is roughly synonymous with cluster, and most/all controllers out there currently only support a single cluster. But because multiple workspaces coexist in kcp, we can be much more efficient and have 1 controller handle widgets in multiple workspaces!

We achieve this using a specific URL just for your controller for your APIExport.

You'll need to do a few things:

  1. Define 1 or more APIResourceSchema objects, 1 per API resource (just like you'd do with CRDs).
  2. Define an APIExport object that references all the APIResourceSchema instances you want to export.
  3. Write controllers that are multi-workspace aware.

Let's look at each of these in more detail.

Define APIResourceSchemas

An APIResourceSchema defines a single custom API type. It is almost identical to a CRD, but creating an APIResourceSchema instance does not add a usable API to the server. By intentionally decoupling the schema definition from serving, API owners can be more explicit about API evolution. In the future, we could envision the possibility of a new APIDeployment resource that coordinates rolling out API updates.

Here is an example for a widgets resource:

kind: APIResourceSchema
  name: # (1)
    - kcp
    kind: Widget
    listKind: WidgetList
    plural: widgets
    singular: widget
  scope: Cluster
  - additionalPrinterColumns:
    - description: The current phase
      jsonPath: .status.phase
      name: Phase
      type: string
    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
      name: Age
      type: date
    name: v1alpha1
      description: 'NOTE: full schema omitted for brevity'
      type: object
    served: true
    storage: true
      status: {}
  1. name must be of the format <some prefix>.<plural resource name>.<group name>. For this example:
    • <some prefix> is v220801
    • <plural resource name> is widgets
    • <group name> is

An APIResourceSchema's spec is immutable; if you need to make changes to your API schema, you create a new instance.

Once you've created at least one APIResourceSchema, you can proceed with creating your APIExport.

Define your APIExport

An APIExport is the way an API provider makes one or more APIs (coming from APIResourceSchemas) available to workspaces.

Here is an example APIExport called that exports 1 resource: widgets.

kind: APIExport

At a minimum, you specify the names of the APIResourceSchemas you want to export in the spec.latestResourceSchemas field. The APIResourceSchemas must be in the same workspace as the APIExport (and therefore no workspace name or path is required here).

You can optionally configure the following additional aspects of an APIExport:

  • its identity
  • what permissions consumers of your exported APIs are granted
  • API resources from other sources (built-in types and/or from other APIExports) that your controllers need to access for your service to function correctly

We'll talk about each of these next.

APIExport Identity

Each API resource type is defined by an API group name and a resource name. Each API resource type can further be distinguished by an API version. For example, the resource that we frequently interact with is in the API group and its resource name is roles.

In a Kubernetes cluster, it is impossible to define the same API <group>,<resource>,<version> multiple times; i.e., it does not support competing definitions for,roles,v1 or any other API resource type.

In kcp, however, it is possible for multiple API providers to each define the same API <group>,<resource>,<version>, without interference! This is where APIExport "identity" becomes critical.

When you create an APIExport and you don't specify its identity (as is the case in the example above), kcp automatically generates one for you. The identity is always stored in a secret in the same workspace as the APIExport. By default, it is created in the kcp-system namespace in a secret whose name is the name of the APIExport.

An APIExport's identity is similar to a private key; you should never share it with anyone.

The identity's hash is similar to a public key; it is not private and there are times when other consumers of your exported APIs need to know and reference it.

Given 2 Workspaces, each with its own APIExport that exports, kcp uses the identity hash (in a mostly transparent manner) to ensure the correct instances associated with the appropriate APIResourceSchema are served to clients. See Run Your Controller for more information.

Permission Claims

When a consumer creates an APIBinding that binds to an APIExport, the API provider who owns the APIExport implicitly has access to instances of the exported APIs in the consuming workspace. There are also times when the API provider needs to access additional resource data in a consuming workspace. These resources might come from other APIExports the consumer has created APIBindings for, or from APIs that are built in to kcp. The API provider requests access to these additional resources by adding PermissionClaims for the desired API's group, resource, and identity hash to their APIExport. Let's take the example APIExport from above and add permission claims for ConfigMaps and Things:

kind: APIExport
  - group: "" # (1)
    resource: configmaps
    resourceSelector: # (2)
    - namespace: example-system
      name: my-setup
  - group:
    resource: things
    identityHash: 5fdf7c7aaf407fd1594566869803f565bb84d22156cef5c445d2ee13ac2cfca6 # (3)
    all: true # (4)
  1. This is how you specify the core API group
  2. You can claim access to one or more resource instances by namespace and/or name
  3. To claim another exported API, you must include its identityHash
  4. If you aren't claiming access to individual instances, you must specify all instead

This is essentially a request from the APIProvider, asking each consumer to grant permission for the claimed resources. If the consumer does not accept a permission claim, the API Provider is not allowed to access the claimed resources. Consumer acceptance of permission claims is part of the APIBinding spec. For more details, see the section on APIBindings.

Maximal Permission Policy

If you want to set an upper bound on what is allowed for a consumer of your exported APIs. you can set a "maximal permission policy" using standard RBAC resources. This is optional; if the policy is not set, no upper bound is applied, and a consuming user is authorized based on the RBAC configuration in the consuming workspace.

The maximal permission policy consists of RBAC (Cluster)Roles and (Cluster)RoleBindings. Incoming requests to a workspace that binds to an APIExport are additionally checked against these rules, with the username and groups prefixed with

For example: we have an APIExport in the root workspace called that provides APIs for workspaces and workspacetypes:

kind: APIExport
    local: {} # (1)
  1. local is the only supported option at the moment. "Local" means the RBAC policy is defined in the same workspace as the APIExport.

We don't want users to be able to mutate the status subresource, so we set up a maximal permission policy to limit what users can do:

Tenancy APIExport Maximal Permission Policy ClusterRole
kind: ClusterRole
  name: system:kcp:apiexport:tenancy:maximal-permission-policy
- apiGroups: [""]
  verbs: ["*"] # (1)
  - workspaces
  - workspacetypes
- apiGroups: [""]
  verbs: ["list","watch","get"] # (2)
  - workspaces/status
  - workspacetypes/status
  1. Users can perform any/all actions on the main resources
  2. Users can only get/list/watch the status subresources
Tenancy APIExport Maximal Permission Policy ClusterRoleBinding
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: system:kcp:authenticated:apiexport:tenancy:maximal-permission-policy
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: system:kcp:apiexport:tenancy:maximal-permission-policy
- apiGroup:
  kind: Group
  name: # (1)
  1. Note the prefix; this identifies this ClusterRoleBinding as part of the maximal permission policy. It applies to system:authenticated.

Now imagine a user named unicorn with group system:authenticated. They create a workspace named magic and bind to the APIExport from the workspace root. What actions unicorn is allowed to perform in the magic workspace must be granted by both:

  1. the standard RBAC authorization flow in the magic workspace; i.e., (Cluster)Roles and (Cluster)RoleBindings in the magic workspace itself, and
  2. the maximal permission policy RBAC settings configured in the root workspace for the tenancy APIExport

Run Your Controller

TODO - virtual workspace URLs - As a controller, I need to be granted permissions on the APIExport content sub-resource

APIResourceSchema Evolution & Maintenance

TODO - conversions - doc when it's ok to delete "old"/no longer used APIResourceSchemas

Binding to Exported APIs


TODO - "imports" all the APIResourceSchemas defined in an APIExport into its workspace - Also provides access to the group/resources defined in an APIExport's PermissionClaims slice - APIs are "imported" by accepting PermissionClaims within the APIBinding for each of the APIExport's group/resources - The consumer of the APIExport must be granted permission to the bind verb on that APIExport in order to create an APIBinding - An APIBinding is bound to a specific APIExport and associated APIResourceSchemas via the APIBinding.Status.BoundResources field, which will hold the identity information to precisely identify relevant objects. - how do I correctly reference an APIExport?