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Rebasing Kubernetes

This describes the process of rebasing kcp onto a new Kubernetes version. For the examples below, we'll be rebasing onto v1.26.3.

1. Update kcp-dev/apimachinery

  1. Create a new branch for the update, such as 1.26-prep.
  2. Update go.mod:
  3. You may need to change the go version at the top of the file to match what's in go.mod in the root of the Kubernetes repo. This is not required, but probably a good idea.
  4. Update the primary Kubernetes dependencies:
    go get -u
  5. Manually review the code that is upstream from third_party and make the same/similar edits to anything that changed upstream. For example, we maintain a slightly modified copy of the shared informer code. In between 1.24 (the previous Kubernetes version upon which kcp was based) and 1.26, the AddEventHandler function was modified to return a ResourceEventHandlerRegistration and an error. To rebase kcp-dev/apimachinery onto Kubernetes v1.26.3, we had to make our copy do the same thing.
  6. Run make lint test. Fix any issues you encounter.
  7. Commit your changes.
  8. Push to your fork.
  9. Open a PR; get it reviewed and merged.

2. Update kcp-dev/code-generator

  1. Create a new branch for the update, such as 1.26-prep.
  2. Update go.mod:
  3. You may need to change the go version at the top of the file to match what's in go.mod in the root of the Kubernetes repo. This is not required, but probably a good idea.
  4. Update the primary Kubernetes dependencies:
    go get -u
  5. Update Kubernetes tooling versions in the Makefile:
  6. KUBE_CLIENT_GEN_VER := v0.26.3
  7. KUBE_LISTER_GEN_VER := v0.26.3
  8. KUBE_INFORMER_GEN_VER := v0.26.3
  10. Update generators, if needed:
  11. Manually review upstream to check for any changes to these generators in the kubernetes repository:
    1. staging/src/
    2. staging/src/
    3. staging/src/
  12. If there were any substantive changes, make the corresponding edits to our generators. For example, in between 1.24 and 1.26, upstream Kubernetes added shutdown support to shared informer factories. We had to add the same thing to our generated shared informer factories.
  13. You'll probably want to commit your changes at this point.
  14. Run make codegen. You'll probably want to commit these changes as a standalone commit.
  15. Run make lint test build and fix any issues you encounter.
  16. Commit any remaining changes.
  17. Push to your fork.
  18. Open a PR; get it reviewed and merged.

3. Update kcp-dev/client-go

  1. Create a new branch for the update, such as 1.26-prep.
  2. Update go.mod:
  3. You may need to change the go version at the top of the file to match what's in go.mod in the root of the Kubernetes repo. This is not required, but probably a good idea.
  4. Update the kcp-dev/apimachinery dependency:
    go get -u
  5. That should have updated the primary Kubernetes dependencies, but in case it didn't, you can do so manually:
    go get -u
  6. Update the kcp code-generator tooling version in the Makefile:
    1. Look up the latest commit from the main branch in
    2. Adjust CODE_GENERATOR_VER to match accordingly.
  7. Manually review the code that is upstream from third_party and make the same/similar edits to anything that changed upstream.
  8. Run make codegen. You'll probably want to commit these changes as a standalone commit.
  9. Run make lint and fix any issues you encounter.
  10. Commit any remaining changes.
  11. Push to your fork.
  12. Open a PR; get it reviewed and merged.

4. Update kcp-dev/kubernetes

  1. First and foremost, take notes of what worked/didn't work well. Update this guide based on your experiences!
  2. Remember, if you mess up, git rebase --abort and git reflog are your very good friends!
  3. Terminology:
  4. "Old" version: the current version of Kubernetes that kcp is using
  5. "New" version: the new Kubernetes version on top of which you are rebasing
  6. The upstream in e.g. upstream/kcp-feature-logical-cluster-1.24-v3 is the name of the git remote that points to Please adjust the commands below if your remote is named differently.
  7. Prepare the old branch for rebasing:
  8. In this example, the old version is 1.24, and the new version is 1.26.
  9. Create a new temporary branch to clean up the accumulated commits on the old branch:
    git checkout -b kcp-1.24-clean upstream/kcp-feature-logical-cluster-1.24-v3
  10. Start by doing a soft git reset so your working directory contains all the changes from the branch in an uncommitted state:
    git reset v1.24.3 # this must be whatever upstream commit was the starting point for the old branch
  11. Revert the following types of changes:
    • go.mod/go.sum
    • Generated clients, listers, informers, applyconfigurations
    • vendor/*
  12. Create a single baseline commit:
    git add .
    git commit -m 'UPSTREAM: <carry>: baseline for kcp 1.24'
  13. Create a baseline branch that starts from the new version. We'll use this to cherry-pick any commits from upstream that we need to continue carrying (i.e., they have not yet merged into the new version).
    git checkout -b kcp-1.26-baseline v1.26.3
  14. Review the git log from the old version branch (this will typically also be the default branch in GitHub). Look for commit messages of the format UPSTREAM: 12345: .... The number indicates the upstream pull request. You'll need to inspect each pull request to determine when it was merged. Anything that merged before the rebase version can be ignored and omitted from the baseline branch. Anything that merged after the rebase version as well as anything not yet merged must be cherry-picked to the baseline branch. For example, in 1.24, we have UPSTREAM: 111898: Reflector: support logging Unstructured type. This was added in 1.27, and therefore needs to be cherry-picked to the kcp-1.26-baseline branch.
  15. Create a branch where you'll attempt to do the rebase. This will start from the cleaned up old version branch:
    git checkout -b kcp-1.26-rebase kcp-1.24-clean
  16. Rebase onto the baseline branch you created above:
    git rebase kcp-1.26-baseline

You will likely encounter numerous conflicts. This is 100% normal! Go through each file and resolve them as best as you can. Make notes of any particular changes you have questions about, so you don't forget them. 10. Update kcp dependencies, for all kcp repositories that changed. For example:

hack/ v3.0.4
hack/ 767ac05aebce82530dee46e9dab8c7bb47f1c823
hack/ 654321d8cac56f9944e8cf801dc15e37b3a582f3
11. Review changes to the origins of pkg/genericcontrolplane to see if similar changes are needed in the new version:

Destination Source(s)
pkg/genericcontrolplane cmd/kube-apiserver/app, pkg/kubeapiserver/admission
pkg/genericcontrolplane/apis/apis.go pkg/controlplane/instance.go
pkg/genericcontrolplane/options.go cmd/kube-apiserver/app/options/options.go
pkg/api/genericcontrolplane/scheme.go pkg/api/legacyscheme/scheme.go
pkg/apis/core/install/genericcontrolplane/install.go pkg/apis/core/install/install.go
pkg/apis/core/register_generic_control_plane.go pkg/apis/core/register.go
pkg/apis/core/v1/register_generic_control_plane.go pkg/apis/core/v1/register.go
staging/src/ staging/src/
pkg/registry/core/rest/genericcontrolplane/storage_core.go pkg/registry/core/rest/storage_core.go
pkg/kubeapiserver/legacy_storage_factory_builder.go pkg/kubeapiserver/default_storage_factory_builder.go
  1. Update generated clients, informers, listers, etc. because we generate logical cluster aware versions of these for Kubernetes to use:


  2. Check if any new controllers were added to Kubernetes. If so, determine if they are relevant to the control plane, or if they're specific to workloads (anything related to pods/nodes/etc.). If they're for the control plane and you think they should be enabled in kcp, you have 1 of 2 choices:

    1. Modify the controller in Kubernetes to be logical cluster aware
    2. Add code to kcp to spawn a new controller instance scoped to a single logical cluster

    For option 1, follow what we did in pkg/controller/namespace/namespace_controller.go.

    For option 2, follow what we did in kcp in either the garbage collector or quota controllers.

  3. Check if any new admission plugins were added to Kubernetes. Decide if we need them in kcp. If so, make a note of them, and we'll add them to kcp below.

  4. Push your commits to your fork of Kubernetes in GitHub.

  5. Open a pull request for review against the baseline branch, e.g. kcp-1.26-baseline, but mark it WIP and maybe even open it in draft mode - you don't want to merge anything just yet.

5. Update kcp-dev/kcp

  1. At this point, you're ready to try to integrate the updates into kcp proper. There is still likely a good amount of work to do, so don't get discouraged if you encounter dozens or hundreds of compilation issues at this point. That's totally normal!
  2. Update go.mod:
  3. You'll need to adjust the versions of kcp-dev/apimachinery, client-go, and logicalcluster to match any changes you made in previous steps. Make sure the versions that are in the Kubernetes go.mod match the versions used here.
  4. If any new staging repositories were added in between the old and new Kubernetes versions, you'll need to add those in the replace directive at the bottom of go.mod. For example, in the 1.26 rebase, we had to add 4:
  5. Go ahead and make a commit here, as the next change we'll be making is to point kcp at your local checkout of Kubernetes.
  6. Point kcp at your local checkout of Kubernetes:
    # Change KUBE per your local setup
    gsed -i "s,\(.*\) => .*/kubernetes/.*,\1 => $KUBE/vendor/\1,;s, => .*, => $KUBE," go.mod
    !!! warning Don't commit your changes to go.mod/go.sum. They point to your local file system.
  7. Resolve any conflicts
  8. Run make modules
  9. Run make codegen
  10. Keep iterating to get all the code to compile
  11. Get the lint and test make targets to pass
  12. Get the e2e-* make targets to pass.

6. Test CI

  1. Undo your changes to go.mod and go.sum that point to your local checkout:
    git checkout -- go.mod go.sum
  2. Update go.mod to point to your rebase branch in your Kubernetes fork:
    GITHUB_USER=<your username here> BRANCH=kcp-1.26-rebase hack/
  3. Commit this change with a message such as UNDO: my Kubernetes. We won't be using this commit when it's time to merge, so we make it easy to find.
  4. Open a pull request in kcp. Wait for CI results. The deps job will always fail at this point because it's pointing to your fork of Kubernetes. This is expected, so don't worry. Your job at this point is to get all the other CI jobs to pass.

7. Get it merged!

  1. Once CI is passing (except for the deps job, as expected), we're ready to merge!
  2. Coordinate with another project member - show them the test results, then get them to approve your rebase PR in kcp-dev/kubernetes. Get the PR merged (this is something that currently must be done manually - ask someone with merge rights to do it for you if you need help).
  3. Rename/create a new branch in kcp-dev/kubernetes based off what you just merged into kcp-1.26-baseline - this is the actual rebase! The new branch could be named something like kcp-1.26.
  4. Back in your local checkout of kcp, update to the kcp-dev/kubernetes rebase branch:
    BRANCH=kcp-1.26 hack/
  5. Commit this change. You can either squash this with your previous UNDO commit (reword it so it's not an UNDO any more), or drop the UNDO commit and replace it with this one.
  6. Check on CI. Hopefully everything is green. If not, keep iterating on it.

7. Update the default branch in kcp-dev/kubernetes

  1. Change it to your new rebase branch, e.g. kcp-1.26